Thursday 24 September 2015

1183 Days // 169 Tasks

001 - Finish this list!

002 - Finish a colouring page!

003 - Number the book.

004 - Start Onto Paper!

005 - Complete at LEAST 1 NaNoWriMo!

006 - Make a painting freestyle (not in class)

007 - Get our own place! (Apartment?)

008 - Buy a house?!

009 - Crochet something

010 - Enter a writing contest

011 - Win (haha) a writing contest

012 - Sell something I've made

013 - Win ANYTHING (lottery? draw?)

014 - Clear out storage

015 - Finish a 30 day Munzee streak!

016 - Find 10 Geocaches

017 - Get a fancy purse

018 - Get a "new" car

019 - Get a NICE haircut

020 - Put Mercy through training

021 - Own a real camera again

022 - Get a TX waffle iron

023 - Throw a party for 10+ people

024 - Get pet chickens!

025 - Finish ANY book

026 - Sort Ollie's clothes to sell/give away

027 - Bake a pie

028 - Bake cake/cupcake from scratch!

029 - Re-read all Harry Potter books

030 - Go to a wine tasting

031 - Get a spa day!

032 - Do a major tourist thing in San Antonio

033 - Do a major tourist hing in Toronto

034 - Get a tattoo

035 - FINALLY get my G2!

036 - Do a gem dig (Herkimer? Arkansas?)

037 - Attend a wedding

038 - See a live performance of some kind

039 - Attend or start a bonfire party!

040 - Sit in a t-top Firebird! :)

041 - Visit a zoo or aquarium

042 - Have an article about Onto Paper be published

043 - Get origami paper

044 - Fold 1000 paper cranes (NO HELP!)

045 - Get really good headphones

046 - Be in the audience of Ellen

047 - Get a family portrait done

048 - Complete + frame a large puzzle

049 - Visit a famous museum

050 - Start a Little Free Library

051 - Attend a major league sports event

052 - Dye hair something unnatural

053 - Go to a race (car, horse, etc.)

054 - Make a Build-a-Bear

055 - Visit a tea room

056 - Play Mini Putt

057 - Go bowling

058 - Visit Dinosaur Park in KY

059 - Make an Amazon Wishlist

060 - Plant a REAL garden (NOT POTTED)

061 - Take on a food challenge

062 - Carve one of my epic pumpkins

063 - Go to an open house worth $1million+

064 - Do photobooth pictures

065 - take the Mensa test

066 - Buy a Demeter perfume

067 - Go to a multi-course dinner for a date

068 - Apply to Jeopardy again

069 - Be on The Price is Right or Lets Make a Deal

070 - Start a charity through Onto Paper

071 - Own a tiara, just cuz.

072 - Sort my old clothes to donate.

073 - Get a real GOOD cellphone

074 - Do a $100 Lush order (I deserve it!)

075 - Get a magazine subscription again

076 - Make a simple comic

077 - Have a spare set of glasses made

078 - Be on the news for something good!

079 - Own an awesome aquarium

080 - Frame a bunch of pictures

081 - Go to another con

082 - Finish ANY collection in Animal Crossing

083 - Actually make something from Pinterest

084 - Put his list online (TYPED)

085 - Go see the Harry Potter world in Orlando

086 - Own a full sized filing cabinet

087 - Ride a firetruck!

088 - Go to a gym for at least 1 day/week for a month

089 - Try being vegetarian for 1 month

090 - Own a couple of NICE PJ sets

091 - Stand in 2 states at once

092 - Find a spot I can stand in US/Canada

093 - Get a nice pair of shoes

094 - Own (+use!) a bike again

095 - Take a pottery class

096 - Take a painting class

097 - Do a Murder Mystery Night

098 - Attend a live concert

099 - Go to the Ex!

100 - Eat the most expensive thing on a menu

101 - Do something for our anniversary

102 - Paint rocks + leave them places

103 - Yarn bomb something

104 - Do karaoke (even though I can't sing!)

105 - Make a terrarium

106 - Have a neat fountain in our yard

107 - BBQ something

108 - Write a Wiki article

109 - Ride in a horse-drawn carriage

110 - Get certified in CPR

111 - Try a yoga class

112 - Get a tortoise

113 - Visit Ottawa again

114 - Properly celebrate something

115 - Make a hanging herb garden

116 - Go fruit picking

117 - Win something at a carnival

118 - Have the van be CLEAN for once!

119 - Consolidate my laptops into one

120 - Teach a class

121 - Own a great hat again

122 - Use a hot tub/jacuzzi

123 - Visit Winchester House

124 - Get a big Lego set

125 - BUILD a big Lego set!

126 - Start a small figurine collection again

127 - Eat a crepe

128 - Throw pennies in a fountain

129 - Complete "Wreck This Journal"

130 - Go to a Hibachi place

131 - Get socks from Sock Dreams

132 - Have a 4 slice toaster again

133 - Fly in something other than a place

134 - Enter (+ probably lose) a game tournament

135 - Shadow box my wedding flowers

136 - Shadow box Ollie's newborn stuff

137 - Find the apace for Onto Paper

138 - Have a month that PROFITS at Onto Paper

139 - Take Mercy to a dog park

140 - Make my nachos again

141 - Own 5 board games

142 - Dress up for Halloween

143 - Get eyebrows done!

144 - Have a tablet again

145 - Own a matching set of towels!

146 - Do a 24 hour comic day

147 - Eat three new cheeses

148 - Own a fitbit

149 - Find + take a pic of a sign with my name on it

150 - Plant a tree

151 - Have a bird feeder

152 - Own "Behind the Attic Wall" again

153 - Drop Mentos in Diet Coke!

154 - Listen to an audio book

155 - Use Silly String!

156 - Visit a flea market

157 - Make a neat tip jar

158 - Make a Twitter for 1183 Days

159 - Make a blog for 1183 Days

160 - Play D&D

161 - Be part of a World Record attempt

162 - Enter a poker or pool tournament

163 - Finally get an allergy test done

164 - Attend a RHPS screening

165 - Own a fancy water bottle

166 - Have + use a journal

167 - Attend an auction

168 - Take an hour-long bath

169! - Have an awesome 36th birthday!